Chakra Affirmations for Healing

Chakra Anatomy

Everything is energy and thoughts carry energy as well. This energy affects our subtle body, the chakras and the aura. Chakra affirmations help to raise the vibration or energy of your subtle body. I created the following affirmations to address the issues specific to each of the seven chakras.

Root chakra affirmations

  • I am safe
  • I love my life
  • I allow myself to be in the present moment, right here, right now
  • I have everything I need
  • I am open to new ideas
  • I am here, here in my body, and all is well
  • I am aware of my thoughts, feelings, and body in the present moment
  • I am grounded and connected to the earth
  • I trust myself
  • I am open to new ways of thinking
  • I embrace change
  • I love myself
  • I let go of my past
  • I am

for more healing affirmations, visit Root chakra

Sacral chakra affirmations

  • I express my feelings in a healthy way
  • I embrace my sexuality and sensuality
  • I feel good about my body
  • I let go of repetitive thoughts
  • I am in touch with my feelings
  • I am connected to my core
  • I take care of my emotional needs
  • I am open to sharing my feelings
  • My feelings are the language of my soul
  • I nurture myself
  • I use my creativity for higher purpose
  • I am kind and compassionate

for more healing affirmations, visit Sacral chakra

Solar plexus chakra affirmations

  • My body is strong and healthy
  • I am open to playfulness and gentleness of my soul
  • I am open to spirit
  • I take responsibility for my thoughts and feelings
  • I sense that everything is a lesson on my spiritual journey
  • I create my own life
  • I feel connected to greater life
  • Just by being, I am valuable
  • I deeply and completely love and accept myself
  • I choose love, light, and healing
  • I have the courage to be myself
  • My power is in the gentleness of my soul

for more affirmations, visit Solar plexus chakra

Heart chakra affirmations

  • I allow myself to feel my tender heart
  • I surrender and let go of fear
  • I open myself to deep self love
  • I feel embraced by the love of the Universe
  • I open myself to healthy and nurturing relationships
  • Peace is a way of my life
  • I forgive myself and others
  • I am grateful for all that I have
  • I sense that everything is interconnected
  • I am loving and compassionate with myself and with others
  • I accept myself and others as we are
  • I feel connected with greater life

for more affirmations, visit Heart chakra

Throat chakra affirmations

  • I express myself clearly and in a healthy way
  • I speak my truth
  • I feel safe to express myself
  • I think before I speak
  • I am connected to deeper parts of myself, to my soul
  • I live in truth
  • I express the spirit within
  • I listen with the ear of my heart
  • I listen to my intuition
  • I can say "no" when I need to
  • I am peaceful, tranquil, and serene
  • I love myself and I express my love for others

for more affirmations, visit Throat chakra

Third eye chakra affirmations

Chakra Anatomy

Focus on your third eye, as you mentally repeat these affirmations.

  • My life moves with grace
  • I use my intuition wisely
  • I see connections and the deeper truth
  • I have deep sense of knowing everything I need to know
  • All that I need is within me
  • I dwell in the state of presence
  • I am a timeless, eternal being, connected to the wisdom of the Universe
  • I see challenges in my life with great clarity
  • I learn from the challenges in my life, they are spiritual lessons
  • I open myself to the wisdom of elders
  • I love and accept myself
  • I open myself to insights and clarity
  • I can consciously create my life

for more affirmations, visit Third eye chakra

Crown chakra affirmations

  • I feel connected with other beings, with heaven and earth, the whole of Universe
  • I know and I understand
  • I am one with the Divine
  • I am grounded on earth and connected with heavens
  • I understand deeper truth and connection
  • I experience, peace, love, and joy
  • I honor the divine in me and in others
  • I experience everything as grace
  • I understand the deeper truth of suffering
  • I am at peace
  • I am

for more affirmations, visit Crown chakra

Simona Sebastian

Simona Sebastian is the founder of Simona's curiosity led her from science and computer programming studies, to exploration of subtle energy, healing, and consciousness.
